Marketing in the News: Ikea Changing Lives With Just One Ad?

The saying goes "it is better to be pissed off than pissed on." This is not the case with Ikea's new ad for baby cribs, however. I discovered Ikea's newest ad highlighted in AdWeeks

Ikea has recently released an ad that is creating buzz and going viral for a very interesting reason. Ikea's newest ad encourages viewers to actually pee on the ad, specifically female viewers. The ad actually acts like a free pregnancy test, if the woman who urinates on the ad it reveal a hidden text offering a discount on the crib pictured in the ad.

Of course this ad has definitely sparked some reactions. In their recent article, AdWeek states that most of the reactions have been positive, other than the expected view of this ad being gross.  People of Europe think that it's a unique, funny, and "likable" ad. AdWeek also acknowledges the negative reactions by stating "others, exaggerating just a bit, have suggested it's a sign of the end of times (as if we need more of those).

AdWeek followed up on this story with Mangus Jakobsson, creative cheif at Akestam Holst Ad Angency, about the feed and concept for the ad. Jakobsson explained that this ad is no less gross than any other traditional pregnancy test- "[you] get a better price, instead of a blue line."

There is a huge value proposition with Ikea's new ad. It really show that Ikea is family friendly and they are "where life happens." This ad is also incredibly innovative! Hoe many other companies are providing free pregnancy test for the sake of advertising? Ikea is constantly attempting to make life easier and they really went the extra mile with this ad. AdWeek points out "from the brand's point of view [. . .] 'Ikea takes pride in offering affordable solutions for all stages of life. This is just another way of providing a surprising and relevant offer at moment in life when big changes happen."

My personal reaction to Ikea's "life changing" ad is nothing but positive. Ikea is really pushing the limits on what it means to have unique and effective advertising. I also think this a great way to reach and grasp the attention of possible low income audiences by offering a free pregnancy test as well as almost $500 off a crib, I think Ikea is really staying true to their brand by acknowledging every stage of life.

This article showed me that there is really no limit to how innovated and remarkable marketing can be. It is really important to find the niche market and give that niche market what they want before they even know what they want.

Ikea is a truly amazing and innovative company that is pushing the standards and isn't afraid to take risks as discussed in Bloomberg's article about the smaller future of Ikea.

We hope that Ikea keeps continues to be the Swede company that we have all grown to love and rely on.
